onsdag 24 november 2010
Jag trivs bast i oppna landskap...
Vi bestamde oss for att hoppa pa bussen till bohemstaden vid havet, Valparaiso. Det var sa skont att se havet igen, efter manader av stader inne i landerna! Vi spenderad ett par dagar med att ata gott, ga omkring pa staden, dricka mangder av vin och festa loss. Vi akte ocksa till staden bredvid, Vina del Mar och sku ligga pa stranden och njuta, men det var mulet sa det blev bara en promenad pa stranden och en mycket laaaang lunch pa en fiskrestaurang. Kvallen avslutades med Sushi, mera vin och ett gang chilenare som inte tala nagon engelska alls sa vi fick definitivt ova ordentligt pa va spanska! Foljande morgon hoppade vi tillbaks pa bussen och akte tillbaks till Casa Roja och Santiago. Idag ha vi spenderat dagen vid poolen och hoppas att vi snart borjar se ens lite bruna ut! Imorgon har vi ennu en trevlig busstur framfor oss, denna gang till andra sidan av sydamerika dar Buenos Aires och ett gang kompisar vantar pa oss.
We've decided to hop on a bus to Valparaiso cause we've been missing the ocean and the beach so we headed there for a few days. We've spent our days walking around the city, drinking wine, partying and eating amazing food. We also stopped over in Vina del Mar for the beach butit was cloudy so we ended up walking for a bit and then having a loooong lunch at a beautiful seafoodrestaurant by the sea. We finished off the evening with sushi, more wine and a bunch of Chilean guys who didn't know any english. We certainly got to practice our spanish then! And today we hopped back on the buss and came back to Casa Roja and we've spent the day trying to get our tan together. A nice chilled out day by the pool before leaving for Buenos Aires tomorrow, another long-ass bussjourney to get through. But we can't wait to see all of our friends there, party, dance tango and eat steaks for a week or so!
fredag 19 november 2010
A good day or two or was it every day?
Santiago var otroligt fint och annorlunda an vi hade tankt oss, sa 23h pa bussen var definitivt vart det! Vi bodde pa ett super fint hostel var en tjej som vi traffa i La Paz jobbar, stora rum, hogt till tak, ett stort fint kok man fick anvanda och det basta av allt en pool, med bar.. Men fore det roliga borjade, spendera vi eftermiddagen med att forsoka fa reda pa vad for fel Johannas mage har(mot hennes vilja)da inget halls i henne. Utan storre lycka, satt vi i sjukhuset i 5h,Johanna med dropp och Matilda skrattandes i ett horn, och alla prover kom tillbaka negativa, vilket ar positivt, men Johanna kan fortfarande inte halla nagot i sig.
Naja, vad annat kan man gora efter en dag pa sjukhuset an satta sig ner och dricka en flaska vin eller tva, vilket var precis det vi gjorde.
Nasta dag tog vi en rundtur runt Santiago, mycket fin stad och otroligt stora gator, aven trottoarer, i alla fall jmf med La Paz, dar hogst en manniska kan ga i rad.
Pa sondagen chilla vi vid poolen,for att sedan hoppa pa bussen mot Mendoza.
Mandag morgon i Mendoza, utforska staden, vilade upp oss och traffa senare nagra vanner vi mott pa vagen tidigare.
Tisdagen gjorde Matilda vintur nr 1. Vi fick skjuts ut till Chacras de coria, dar vi hoppa pa cyklar och borja cykla runt fran vingard till vingard, i den forsta vingarden gick vi runt och fick se hur vinlagarprocessen gick till och sendan hade vi en vinprovning med deras olika viner. Darefter skippa vi turen och hade smakprover i stallet! Helt otroliga viner, vissa dock mindre bra. Och konstigt nog blev vinerna battre ju langre vi kom, vilket ledde till att tva av vara vanner kopte 12 flaskor vin var, som de nu kommer att skicka hem, vilket kostar dem mer an va vinerna kosta. En annan van bytte sina feik ray bans mot det dyraste vinet, sku inte ha tackat nej till det, vinet alltsa.
Nar vi kom tillbaka hitta vi Johanna vid poolen och laga darefter middag, och drack annu lite mera vin.
Onsdag: vintur nr 2, med Johanna. Samma sak, hamta oss vid hostellet och forde oss till byn utanfor dar vi hoppade pa cyklarna, men denna gang i Maipú. Denna dag borja vi med likor-, oliv- och chokladprodukts provning. helt ljuvliga produkter som tyvarr endast saljs dar, vilket ocksa galler vissa viner vi provat. (mast fa en andring pa det...) Darefter borja vinprovningarna. eller en. efter det kopte vi en flaska eller tva och dela den da vi var sa manga, samma pris/pers, men mera vin. Avsluta turen med en olbar, var vi trodde att man fick kopa cider, men icke. vilken besvikelse!
Efter alla vinturer, bestamde vi oss for att det pa torsdagen var dags for Skydive. Efter nagra om och men, fick vi oss ut till flygplatsen.Matilda hoppa forst, forsta gangen i sitt liv,(Oh my god vilken harlig kansla), men da det antligen var Johannas tur, hade en storm tagit sig over oss, sa man kunde inte flyga upp igen, annu mindre hoppa, sa Johanna akte i vag panytt morgonen efter och gjorde sitt hopp da.
Vi har haft en otroligt kul och handelserik vecka, sa ni kan kanske forsta att vi inte har haft tid att uppdatera bloggen i detalj.. Nu ar vi i Santiago igen for att stanna over helgen. Ciao!
Santiago was incredibly nice and different then we had thought, so 23h on the bus was definitely worth it! We stayed in a super nice hostel where a girl we met in La Paz was working. The hostel had large rooms, high ceilings, a large fine kitchen for us to use and best of all, a pool, with a bar .. But before the fun began, we spent the afternoon trying to find out what was wrong with Johanna's stomach. (against her will) Without much luck, we sat in the hospital for 5h, Johanna on a drip and Matilda laughing in a corner. All samples came back negative, which was good, but Johanna still can not keep anything in her.
So, what else could we do after a day in the hospital than sit down and drink a bottle of wine or two.
The next day we went for a walk around Santiago, very nice city, and incredibly large streets, and sidewalks, at least compared to the ones in La Paz, where a maximum of one human being can walk on in a row.
On Sunday we chilled by the pool, and then jumped on the bus to Mendoza.
Monday morning in Mendoza,we explored the town, rested up and later met up with some friends.
The next day Matilda went on wine tour No. 1. We got a ride out to Chacras de Coria, where we jumped on bikes and started cycling around from wineyard to wineyard. On the first wineyard we got a tour and then we had a tasting of their wines. After that we’d skip the tour and had the tasting only!
When we got back to the hostel we found Johanna by the pool and cooked dinner and drank some more wine.
Wednesday: wine tour No. 2, with Johanna. Same thing, got picked up at the hostel and they took us to the village where we jumped on bikes, this time in Maipú. We started the day with testing liqueurs, olive and chocolate products . After that the tasting begun, and we ended the tour with a beer bar, where we thought we could buy cider, but no.
After all the wine tours, we decided that it was time for skydiving. After a few ifs and buts, we got ourselves out there. Matilda went first, the first time in her life, (Oh my god what a great feeling and view), and when it finally was Johanna's turn, a storm crossed us , so she could not do it and had to go back the next day.
We have had a very fun and eventfull week, so you can perhaps understand that we haven’t had the time to update the blog in detail ..Now we're back in Santiago for the weekend. Ciao!
onsdag 17 november 2010
Vi lever ennu
Vi lever ennu, fo tillfalle i Mendoza, Argentina, men vi har alltfor roligt fo att hinna skriva blogg. Vinprovning idag. Vi berattar mer senare!
We are still alive, currently in Mendoza, Argentina but we´re having waaay too much fun to have time for blogging. Winetour on the agenda today, we´ll tell you about it later!
We are still alive, currently in Mendoza, Argentina but we´re having waaay too much fun to have time for blogging. Winetour on the agenda today, we´ll tell you about it later!
torsdag 11 november 2010
Salar de Uyuni
Bussresan fran Sucre till Uyuni var ett helvete. Matilda spydde halva resan och Johanna madde daligt pa grund av hojdskillnaden. Nar vi antligen steg av i Uyuni bokade vi direkt en tur till saltoknen salar de Uyuni mellan Bolivien och Chile. Foljande morgon satt hela gruppen sig i jeepen och borja kora runt omkring pa varldens storsta saltoken. 3 dagar i jeepen, otroliga vyer, solbranda ansikten, frostbitna tar, god mat, punktering och glogg. Harligt! Vi slutade resan med att ga over till Chile, dar vi nu har stannat i San Pedro de Atacama som ligger i varldens torraste oken (atacamaoknen)i ett par dagar. Har ar otroligt dyrt och turistigt, en enorm skillnad till Bolivien. Vi har tagit det chillt och inte gjort varst mycket. Igar kvall var vi pa stjarnskadningstur. helt otroligt fint och roligt med en mycket underhallande fransk astronom. Vi fick veta en hel massa om stjarnor, kometer och galaxer. Vi tittade genom stora teleskop pa stjarnor och manen och andra galaxer. Nu vet vi ocka hur man bast far nagon pa kroken en stjarnklar natt ;) Idag satter vi oss aterigen pa bussen, denna gang 23 timmar ner till Santiago. Tills dess, ha de gott!
The busride from sucre to Uyuni turned out to be a ride from hell. Tilds was throwing up half of the journey while Jo got another blast of altitude sickness. Brilliant! As soon as we got to Uyuni (which might be one of the most depressing towns in the world) we booked a tour to the saltflats. The next day we sat ourselves in a Jeep and the next 3 days we´re filled of amazing scenery, sunburnt faces, frozen toes, good food,warm wine, flat tires and loads of fun.
The tour ended in San Pedro de Atacama, in the worlds driest desert where we´ve spent a couple of days relaxing. Last night we went on a stargazingtour, which was amazing! We learned so much about stars, comets and galaxies and got to look at them through massive telescopes. The guide was also an hilarious french astronomer which made it even better! And now we know how to pick up boys on a clear starlit night ;)Today we are once again jumping on a bus, this time down to Santiago in 23 hours. Santiago, you better be ready for us!
The busride from sucre to Uyuni turned out to be a ride from hell. Tilds was throwing up half of the journey while Jo got another blast of altitude sickness. Brilliant! As soon as we got to Uyuni (which might be one of the most depressing towns in the world) we booked a tour to the saltflats. The next day we sat ourselves in a Jeep and the next 3 days we´re filled of amazing scenery, sunburnt faces, frozen toes, good food,warm wine, flat tires and loads of fun.
The tour ended in San Pedro de Atacama, in the worlds driest desert where we´ve spent a couple of days relaxing. Last night we went on a stargazingtour, which was amazing! We learned so much about stars, comets and galaxies and got to look at them through massive telescopes. The guide was also an hilarious french astronomer which made it even better! And now we know how to pick up boys on a clear starlit night ;)Today we are once again jumping on a bus, this time down to Santiago in 23 hours. Santiago, you better be ready for us!
fredag 5 november 2010
Cochabamba - Villa Tunari - Cochabamba - Sucre
I Villa Tunari har vi alltsa jobbat som volontarer pa ett djurhem, Intiwarayassi. Dar blev vi stationerade pa olika delar av parken for att jobba med djuren, Matilda i kliniken med aporna och Johanna med faglarna. Nu foljer en kort historia om vara aventyr I djungeln.
Johanna: Jag jobbade alltsa med faglarna, over 300 st hade vi I parken, allt fran stora MCCaws till Tukaner och en kalkon. Dessutom tog vi hand om 50 vattenskoldpaddor o en hog me landskoldpaddor ( ibland va dom 12, ibland 20, vi bruka tappa bort en hel del men plocka allti upp nya, hehe) Dagarna var langa och bestod mest av att stada burar och skara frukt till alla djuren, men daremellan hann vi bekanta oss me faglarna o talade en massa med dem och de andra djuren, framst aporna och bjornen. Snart markte man att da man sa Hola ti nan sa lat man som en av papegoijorna!
Vi hade ocksa en constant kamp mot dom vilda aporna som forsokte stjala var mat. Jag gav snart upp o gick me taktiken att ge dom va dom vill ha o hoppas pa de basta! Dom va otroligt sota o gulliga o manga av dem kom upp till en och ville gosa en stund, hur kan man saga nej till det?? De man tydligt markte under de tva veckorna vi va dar va hur personliga alla djuren var, alla hade sin egen identitet. Dom blev kara, hade hemliga forhallanden, var svartsjuka och hatade vissa medan andra var basta kompisar. Helt otroligt! Man sku ha kunna laga en jattebra tv-serie me allt drama vi hade mellan djuren, haha!Den varsta fageln fo mej va en av de storre papegoijorna, Pedro, som absout hatade mej. Ja hade allti varit trevlig mot honom men av nagon orsak tyckte han inte alls om mej. Jag hamnade dagligen ga in i hans bur, mata och stada for honom, varje gang slutade me att denna 30 kilos papegoija lika stor som min overkropp jagade in mej i ett horn och forsokte attackera med klor och nabb. Supertrevligt! Andra volontarer fick klappa o paja honom, men ja fick bara stryk… Sa de slutade oftast med att jag skrek pa hjalp o forokte sla honom ivag med kvasten eller matskalen, haha! Dagarna gick sa fort att man knappt hann marka att de hade gatt tva veckor!
Matilda: radera just allt. duktigt! sa kort: Jobba med apor i tva veckor pa kliniken. rutinerna var ganska simpla, mata aporna, stada upp efter dem. hade det inte sa latt i borjan da vissa apor int gilla mig eller kvinnor i allmanhet, men det loste sig med tiden. Hitta vissa favoriter som jag sku ha kunna ta hem med mig, medan jag maste se upp med andra hela tiden. Smarta djur ar de, vissa av dem kunde reda ut sin egen lina da de trasslat i hop sig, andra at under tallriken da det regna. veterinarena mena att jag borde ha fatt ett ordentligt minne med mig hem, dvs ett duktigt bitmarke med stygn, men tankte att jag klarar mig med de sma bitmarken jag fick.
Vi hann ocksa spendera en hel del kvallar ute pa restauranger, forbollmsmatcher mellan volontarer och bolivianer, halloweenfest, och fixa middag for att samla in pengar for faglarna. Dessutom lyckades vi overleva dodbron flera ganger dagligen, dar en massa lastbilar kor helt for fort och troligtvis hoga pa cocain (chapareregionen runt villa Tunari ar varldens storsta Cocainregion) utan nagon namnvard skyddsvag att radda sig pa. Sa det har varit eventfyllda tva, tre veckor vi upplevt! Fran Villa Tunari hoppade vi alltsa pa bussen till Cochabamba och vidare till Sucre. Har e de jattefint o staden ar sa vacker.
Vi ar ett helt gang volontarer har och skall nu aka vidare tillsammans. Dagarna har har spenderats med Spa-dag, god mat, vin, picknick och ett helt harligt hostell, La Dolce Vita. Efter att har bott med minimal bekvamligheter senaste veckorna ar detta paradise!! Vi har en av de basta ducharna vi fatt I sydamerika, ett trevligt hostel med kok man faktiskt kan laga mat I, skona sangar, rena klader och lackade tanaglar! Nu fortsatter vi imorgon mot Uyuni och varldens storsta saltsjoar varifran vi hoppar over till Chile.
So in Villa Tunari we worked as volunteers at an animal refugee with loads of animals from bears, to monkeys and turtles. We got stationed on different sides of the park, Tilda in the clinic with the monkeys and Jo up with the birds in the aviary. Following a brief story of what we have been up to the past couple of weeks.
Johanna: The work with the birds consisted mostly of feeding, cleaning and entertaining the birds, we had over 300 of them while I was there and trust me birds aren’t as easygoing pets as you`d think! As you`re trying to prepare dinner there would be two or three McCaws stealing the food while the Toucan is biting your calves cause he wants to get attention from you. The birds all had such personalities and it was a lot of fun getting to know them and chatting to them throughout the day. There was also a lot of drama with all the birds with jealousy, heartaches and new loves, it was like watching a soapshow on tv! We also had about 50 waterturtles and about a dozen landtortoises ( we never really knew how many as they kept escaping and we found new ones in the cage all the time!) Tortoises can be fast little buggers when they feel like it! We also had a constant fight with the monkeys that stole our food. Our boss wanted us to throw stones at them but I just felt sorry for them, all they wanted was some food and to sit with you for a while. So that is what I did. I let them have what they wanted and hoped they wouldn`t attack me.. Most of time it worked out okey, but one time we did have to lock ourselves in with the turkey as one monkey didn`t really agree with me only giving him a little food and not the whole bowl, haha! Some of the birds also had a very vicious side to them, like a big McCaw the size of my ipperbody, Pedro, who hated me. I had to go in his cage daily and it always ended with me cornered screaming for help trying to hit him with the broom or the foodbowl… Nasty bastard that one! All in all, it was an amazing two weeks filled with new experiences, something we probably won’t be able to do again anytime soon. You got so close to all of these animals and it was amazing watching an }d playing with completely wild animals and give them a second chance at being free.
Matilda: just erased everything. well done! so shortly: worked at the clinic with the monkeyes. Feed them and cleaned up after them, and in between play time!
During our stay in Villa tunari we also managed to cross the deathbridge several times a day(scary-ass bridge with nowhere to run from all the drivers that were high on cocaine transporting it from Chapareregion to get refined and sold..) go out for dinners, watched footballgames, organized fundraisingdinners, and had a halloweenparty. So a very productive couple of weeks in total.
From Villa Tunari we headed to Cochabamba and then Sucre, where we{ve spent the last few days pampering ourselves with a spa-day, amazing food and wine and a supernice
hostel. It feels amazing being clean and having fresh clothes on you again and not smelling of animal shit all the time. Now there’s a group of us from Villa Tunari heading to Uyuni and then to the saltflats and towards Chile. Tonight we`re going to have aproper night out in Sucre and then suffer on the bus all the way to Uyuni, can’t wait!
Johanna: Jag jobbade alltsa med faglarna, over 300 st hade vi I parken, allt fran stora MCCaws till Tukaner och en kalkon. Dessutom tog vi hand om 50 vattenskoldpaddor o en hog me landskoldpaddor ( ibland va dom 12, ibland 20, vi bruka tappa bort en hel del men plocka allti upp nya, hehe) Dagarna var langa och bestod mest av att stada burar och skara frukt till alla djuren, men daremellan hann vi bekanta oss me faglarna o talade en massa med dem och de andra djuren, framst aporna och bjornen. Snart markte man att da man sa Hola ti nan sa lat man som en av papegoijorna!
Vi hade ocksa en constant kamp mot dom vilda aporna som forsokte stjala var mat. Jag gav snart upp o gick me taktiken att ge dom va dom vill ha o hoppas pa de basta! Dom va otroligt sota o gulliga o manga av dem kom upp till en och ville gosa en stund, hur kan man saga nej till det?? De man tydligt markte under de tva veckorna vi va dar va hur personliga alla djuren var, alla hade sin egen identitet. Dom blev kara, hade hemliga forhallanden, var svartsjuka och hatade vissa medan andra var basta kompisar. Helt otroligt! Man sku ha kunna laga en jattebra tv-serie me allt drama vi hade mellan djuren, haha!Den varsta fageln fo mej va en av de storre papegoijorna, Pedro, som absout hatade mej. Ja hade allti varit trevlig mot honom men av nagon orsak tyckte han inte alls om mej. Jag hamnade dagligen ga in i hans bur, mata och stada for honom, varje gang slutade me att denna 30 kilos papegoija lika stor som min overkropp jagade in mej i ett horn och forsokte attackera med klor och nabb. Supertrevligt! Andra volontarer fick klappa o paja honom, men ja fick bara stryk… Sa de slutade oftast med att jag skrek pa hjalp o forokte sla honom ivag med kvasten eller matskalen, haha! Dagarna gick sa fort att man knappt hann marka att de hade gatt tva veckor!
Matilda: radera just allt. duktigt! sa kort: Jobba med apor i tva veckor pa kliniken. rutinerna var ganska simpla, mata aporna, stada upp efter dem. hade det inte sa latt i borjan da vissa apor int gilla mig eller kvinnor i allmanhet, men det loste sig med tiden. Hitta vissa favoriter som jag sku ha kunna ta hem med mig, medan jag maste se upp med andra hela tiden. Smarta djur ar de, vissa av dem kunde reda ut sin egen lina da de trasslat i hop sig, andra at under tallriken da det regna. veterinarena mena att jag borde ha fatt ett ordentligt minne med mig hem, dvs ett duktigt bitmarke med stygn, men tankte att jag klarar mig med de sma bitmarken jag fick.
Vi hann ocksa spendera en hel del kvallar ute pa restauranger, forbollmsmatcher mellan volontarer och bolivianer, halloweenfest, och fixa middag for att samla in pengar for faglarna. Dessutom lyckades vi overleva dodbron flera ganger dagligen, dar en massa lastbilar kor helt for fort och troligtvis hoga pa cocain (chapareregionen runt villa Tunari ar varldens storsta Cocainregion) utan nagon namnvard skyddsvag att radda sig pa. Sa det har varit eventfyllda tva, tre veckor vi upplevt! Fran Villa Tunari hoppade vi alltsa pa bussen till Cochabamba och vidare till Sucre. Har e de jattefint o staden ar sa vacker.
Vi ar ett helt gang volontarer har och skall nu aka vidare tillsammans. Dagarna har har spenderats med Spa-dag, god mat, vin, picknick och ett helt harligt hostell, La Dolce Vita. Efter att har bott med minimal bekvamligheter senaste veckorna ar detta paradise!! Vi har en av de basta ducharna vi fatt I sydamerika, ett trevligt hostel med kok man faktiskt kan laga mat I, skona sangar, rena klader och lackade tanaglar! Nu fortsatter vi imorgon mot Uyuni och varldens storsta saltsjoar varifran vi hoppar over till Chile.
So in Villa Tunari we worked as volunteers at an animal refugee with loads of animals from bears, to monkeys and turtles. We got stationed on different sides of the park, Tilda in the clinic with the monkeys and Jo up with the birds in the aviary. Following a brief story of what we have been up to the past couple of weeks.
Johanna: The work with the birds consisted mostly of feeding, cleaning and entertaining the birds, we had over 300 of them while I was there and trust me birds aren’t as easygoing pets as you`d think! As you`re trying to prepare dinner there would be two or three McCaws stealing the food while the Toucan is biting your calves cause he wants to get attention from you. The birds all had such personalities and it was a lot of fun getting to know them and chatting to them throughout the day. There was also a lot of drama with all the birds with jealousy, heartaches and new loves, it was like watching a soapshow on tv! We also had about 50 waterturtles and about a dozen landtortoises ( we never really knew how many as they kept escaping and we found new ones in the cage all the time!) Tortoises can be fast little buggers when they feel like it! We also had a constant fight with the monkeys that stole our food. Our boss wanted us to throw stones at them but I just felt sorry for them, all they wanted was some food and to sit with you for a while. So that is what I did. I let them have what they wanted and hoped they wouldn`t attack me.. Most of time it worked out okey, but one time we did have to lock ourselves in with the turkey as one monkey didn`t really agree with me only giving him a little food and not the whole bowl, haha! Some of the birds also had a very vicious side to them, like a big McCaw the size of my ipperbody, Pedro, who hated me. I had to go in his cage daily and it always ended with me cornered screaming for help trying to hit him with the broom or the foodbowl… Nasty bastard that one! All in all, it was an amazing two weeks filled with new experiences, something we probably won’t be able to do again anytime soon. You got so close to all of these animals and it was amazing watching an }d playing with completely wild animals and give them a second chance at being free.
Matilda: just erased everything. well done! so shortly: worked at the clinic with the monkeyes. Feed them and cleaned up after them, and in between play time!
During our stay in Villa tunari we also managed to cross the deathbridge several times a day(scary-ass bridge with nowhere to run from all the drivers that were high on cocaine transporting it from Chapareregion to get refined and sold..) go out for dinners, watched footballgames, organized fundraisingdinners, and had a halloweenparty. So a very productive couple of weeks in total.
From Villa Tunari we headed to Cochabamba and then Sucre, where we{ve spent the last few days pampering ourselves with a spa-day, amazing food and wine and a supernice
hostel. It feels amazing being clean and having fresh clothes on you again and not smelling of animal shit all the time. Now there’s a group of us from Villa Tunari heading to Uyuni and then to the saltflats and towards Chile. Tonight we`re going to have aproper night out in Sucre and then suffer on the bus all the way to Uyuni, can’t wait!
tisdag 2 november 2010
Quick update
Bara ett snabbt inlagg sa ni vet att vi ennu lever och inte blivi dodade av pumorna, bjornen, aporna eller naga andra av djuren i parken. Vi ha haft ett par harliga, tuffa, tunga, roliga, intressanta veckor o vi kommer o skriva mer o lagga upp bnilder pa alla gulliga djuren sa smaningom. Nu e vi i Cochabamba o hoppar pa nattbussen mot Sucre ikvall, vi aterkommer!
Only a quick update to let you know that we´re still alive and haven´t been eaten alive by pumas, bears, birds, monkeys or any of the other animals in the park ( not for the lack of trying tho..) We´ll write more about it in the next few days and upload some pics aswell. We´re now back in Cochabamba and we´re catching a bus to Sucre tonight to catch up with some friends there :)
Only a quick update to let you know that we´re still alive and haven´t been eaten alive by pumas, bears, birds, monkeys or any of the other animals in the park ( not for the lack of trying tho..) We´ll write more about it in the next few days and upload some pics aswell. We´re now back in Cochabamba and we´re catching a bus to Sucre tonight to catch up with some friends there :)
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